We are experienced in carrying out both statutory and non-statutory pre-application consultation with local planning authorities throughout England and Wales. The importance of early engagement with planning authorities promoted through national and local development plan guidance.
Preparation and Submission of Planning Applications
We are experienced in submitting a wide range of planning applications for established and new clients including ‘Major’ and ‘Minor’ applications including residential, commercial, leisure, telecoms, householder and mixed-use schemes.
Planning Appeals
A good track record of success in relation to commercial and residential appeals on behalf of consultant, householder, and developer clients.
Site Appraisals
Carrying out appraisals of land and property in relation to development potential of individual plots and large land holdings. Reviewing planning conditions for commercial clients in relation to retail aspirations and portfolios.
Development Plan Representations
Supporting clients in the submission of ‘call for sites’ promotion through the development plan process.
Project Management Services
Lead planning consultant services utilising our experienced consultant team contacts operating throughout the U.K in delivering planning permissions.